


Enzymes - Nutrition.
Cell nutrition is imperative for natural health.
Enzymes are in. Acid food is out.


All living cells contain enzymes. Enzymes in food are destroyed by heating to as low as 118ºF.

If your diet does not consist of raw fruit and vegetables, you have enzyme depletion which may lead to initial symptoms of illness such as weakness, muscle weakness, lack of mental focus and poor appetite.

Tip: Juicing is one of the most effective ways to give the body the enzymes it needs to be well and healthy.

What they do for your body:

1 Neutralize acidity (no more Rolaids needed which FYI contain aluminum which promotes Alzheimers). 

2 Break down blood alcohol content and aid in recovery from intoxication.
3 Cleanse the blood, remove toxins, dissolve cholesterol.
4 Fend off disease from bacteria.
5 Enhance the strength of white blood cells.
6 Maintain hormonal balance (good for menopause imbalance).
7 Metabolize nutrients, improving digestion and absorption.
8 Cleanse the stomach.
9 Aid in recovery from stomach ulcers.
10 Beneficial in treating constipation and hemorrhoids.
11 Enable cell decomposition and restoration.
12 Promotes beautiful skin.
13 Prevent early wrinkling of the skin.
14 Combat rashes, hives and skin allergies.
15 Clear red eyes, promotes clearer vision.
16 Nourish and promotes hair and nail growth.
17 Excellent for combating malignant cells.
18 Aid in helping to achieve pregnancy.
19 Increase metabolism - enhance weight loss.
20 Instant energy and mental focus (better than coffee).

Enzymes are essential to the regulation of digestion, absorption and waste removal.

Enzymes are not only the foundation and catalysts of human life, they are fundamental to having and maintaining healthy cells and thereby a healthy mind and body.

FYI Covid-19:
This website is about the SOQI Bed which has three Far Infrared Hothouse Domes. Far Infrared creates the enzymes which acutely increase Nitric Oxide which is needed by the immune system to combat infections, bacteria and viruses.

Covid-19 was found to be an endothelial disease.

"People with dysfunctional endothelium, defined by nitric oxide deficiency, appear to have a more severe disease course. As such, nitric oxide has therapeutic potential to mitigate COVID-19 severity."

- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33656717/

Learn more.


Natural Health 
As Nature Intended.

Acid Food vs Alkaline Food.

pH Balance.

pH Balance.

Eating acid foods filled with chemicals and no enzymes guarantees disease. What use are all the healing machines and products in the world, if you insist on feeding your cells poison on a regular daily basis.

Alkaline and Acid Food Chart
Minimize acid foods, maximize alkaline.

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What to include and why.

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Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the American Food and Drug Administration. This website is for informational and educational purposes and does not provide individual medical advice which may be obtained from a qualified health practitioner.
©2002-2024 SOQI Bed International - International HTE distributor.